
Ok folks, the lovely people at TNT have sent us some prizes to dish out to you, which was very nice of them, so please say thanks to them if you win (@RizzoliIslesTNT )

This is what we have.


HOWEVER!!!! Due to a very limited number (read: nowhere near enough) we will be awarding the T shirts to the winners of Best Author and Best New Author as, in my opinion, those are the 2 ‘big’ categories. We also only have small and medium so it is a VERY limited prize. Unfortunately, this isn’t my doing, if it were, I’d have had them in all sizes for all categories. That’s what was given to us so we accept it in the spirit in which it was donated. You can’t look a gift horse in the mouth after all, right?
The dvd is the Season 3 premiere, and will be awarded to all winners as we have plenty of those. Please take the time to show TNT your appreciation for their support of our little awards by tweeting them your thanks…. ya never know, they might give us lots more prizes for the next round! 😉 haha.
Seriously gang, it was very nice of them to give us anything, I wish there was a larger choice in sizing but there’s not. Please don’t complain as I can’t do anything about it. I wish I could afford to buy big prizes for everyone but I can’t otherwise I would.

Good luck people.

This entry was posted on August 30, 2012.

Round Two Nominations UPDATE

Hi folks,

There have been a steady trickle of nominations coming in but a LOT of them do not have a working link on them. If you want me to include your nomination the first few fields should look something like this, please note, this is an example ONLY not what you should put in there.
YOUR NAME: Rizzles Fanfic
AUTHOR CONTACT: @twittername/ / contact via*

This is an example of a correctly filled form:

Your Name: *deleted for privacy*
Your Email: *deleted for privacy*
Author Name: Arcadia Arden
Author Contact: *deleted for privacy*
Story link:
Best Author:
Best New Author:
Best Season 1 Finale Fic:
Best Season 2 Finale Fic: Yes
Best NC-17:
Best Comedy:
Best Angst/Drama: Yes
Best Drabble:
Best Original Character:
Best Plot:
Best Crossover:
Best Slash:
Best AU:
Best Fan Art:
Best Challenge Video:

*you do not have to include each of these, one contact is fine.
** To get the link. Go to the first page of the story. In the address bar in the top of your browser, highlight the text and EITHER press ctrl+c, OR right-click and select copy. Then go to the nomination form and in the ‘story link’ field, click your mouse in the box and press EITHER ctrl+p OR right-click and select paste.

The last round, while everyone was getting up and running, I allowed for bloopers and confusion as we were all learning what we were doing, this round, I’ve made the form as simple as I humanly can. The last round was stressful for me as due to errors on both sides, I spent a lot of time trying to find the stories. I have done everything in my power to make it simple. If you are unsure, PLEASE drop me an email or a tweet (@RizzlesFanfic) and I will help you out as much as I can.

Also, if you are nominating for Best Author or Best New Author, you MUST nominate a story for that person too. Not everyone has read every fic, how will we know their work if you don’t give us an example? The ONLY exception to this is if someone already has a fic nominated, then and only then can you nominate for Best Author or Best New Author without including a story.

Please folks, work with me on this.


This entry was posted on August 18, 2012.

Oh yeah….

Just to be perfectly clear to any and all new visitors (HI!) We are in no way affiliated with, supported by or acknowledged in any way shape or form by TNT, Warner Bros, Tess Gerritsen Media*, Janet Tamaro or anyone else involved with the show in any way!

What we do here is for fun, we intend no disrespect, copy infringement or anything else that involves the powers that be suing me.

“Works of fanfiction are more likely to constitute fair use if they are “transformative” with respect to the original work, if they are non-commercial, if they appropriate relatively little of the original work, and/or if they do not tend to detract from the potential market for or value of the original work.”

Under these grounds, fanfic, espeically the fics we have here do fall under ‘fair use’.


* Tess Gerristen Media are aware of what happens here and have been supportive in the previous round, to the point of judging one of the categories. We also have been given kind permission by Tess to use the official store sign on our ‘friends and affiliates’ page. These things, while fun for us, the fans, do NOT constitute any legal support or affiliation or anything else…. they just mean she didn’t want to sue us for having fun with the characters she created.

This entry was posted on August 1, 2012.

More on Round Two

Hi folks.

Right, the rules are now amended for round two as are the categories. Please have a look at them.

Also, a few people have asked me if I will allow my own fic to be nominated, or commented that its not fair to exclude myself so, I will allow my own fics to be nominated, not that I expect them to be and if they are, they won’t win anyway so its all good. I’m still considering this to be fair since I know, compared to some of the amazing caliber of fic we receive here, that it doesn’t stand a chance. No, this isn’t a pity post asking you to nominate me, no I won’t tell you my screen name and no, I don’t expect to win on the off-chance I am nominated to start with.

The video round this time is a challenge! You MUST use the song we have linked on the ‘categories’ page. You may use ANY version of that song, but it MUST be that song to be eligible to win a prize!! Ooh yes folks, a very kind friend of the Rizzles Awards has offered a small prize for the winner of this category ONLY!!

Looking forward to round two and I hope you all are too!

This entry was posted on July 25, 2012.

Round Two

Ok gang, I’m going to try round two again….

This time we have a video challenge round with a small goodie bag for the winner.

Please message me or @RizzlesFanfic on twitter with your thoughts and opinions.

If there’s enough interest, we’ll kick it all off on August 1st. Nice and easy to remember the dates that way!


TNT seem to be running a lot of pointless polls that we don’t really care for. What should Maura wear on her date? Choose Maura’s middle name. That sort of thing.
Now, I’m certain I know the result of this poll but I want to try and get this spread over the ENTIRE fandom so please share this with as many people as you can, regardless of their ship and lets see if we can get our voices heard? I’d like this to be a fair representation of the Rizzoli & Isles viewers and their thoughts. Share with as many people, places, blogs etc as you can.

Sad news

Sadly, due to a lack of nominations, Round 2 will no longer progress. I may try it again when Season 3 has aired, providing JTam doesn’t make every fan want to, or actually kill themselves.

If there is enough response, we’ll try again with the old categories after season 3.

The nominations we had WILL be included the next time we try for round 2 so if you were the nominator or author, don’t worry, I wont abandon you.

This entry was posted on May 1, 2012.

Round Two Opens On Sunday

Well hasn’t this rolled around again fast!?

Round two will open on sunday, in the early hours of the morning GMT. Please take these moments to have a look at the new categories and the rules surrounding them. If you have ANY questions at all, feel free to ask either via email or via twitter @RizzlesFanfic and I will do my best to clear up any concerns or queries asap.

Also, there were quite a few nominations last round that I had to chase up, either missing links, no author contact etc. I will NOT do that this round. I will NOT include a story without the author’s contact info, be it twitter or email as I feel people have the right to choose if their work is included. I don’t mean to sound harsh but this is a lot of work for one person to do alone and its made harder when you don’t read the rules and I waste sometimes hours, trying to get the information that should be on the form. Simple mistakes are fine, if you make a booboo or realise that the link doesn’t work or you’ve given me the wrong link, please email me directly with your name and the correct link and I can then amend your submission.

I’m not a horrible person and will do my very best to make these as successful and inclusive as possible so if you need anything or have anything you want to say or clarify, please feel free to contact me. Unless you’re a spambot trying to sell me viagra, watches or a timeshare.

Good Luck everyone, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me this round.

Rizzles Forever!!!!

Prompts for your challenge fic.

Ok, these are your prompts for the challenge fic. The fic can be as long or as short as you want but it MUST include the following:

  • Isolation.
  • Teacher 
  • Sex
  • Blood

Good Luck!! I think you might need it.

This entry was posted on March 15, 2012.

Prompts for your challenge fic.

Ok, these are your prompts for the challenge fic. The fic can be as long or as short as you want but it MUST include the following:

  • Isolation.
  • Teacher 
  • Sex
  • Blood

Good Luck!! I think you might need it.

This entry was posted on March 15, 2012.